Organizing Symposia and Seminar
The Society organizes symposia and seminars on a regular basis for the upliftment of animal and natural sciences. The Society is well recognised by different Ministries, Govt. of India, and supported many times with financial assistance for organising Symposia, Seminars, and Workshops. The Society received financial support different times from – (1) The Ministry of Science & Technology, New Delhi, (2) Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, (3) Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi, (4) Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, (5) National Biodiversity Authority, Chennai, (6) Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of West Bengal, (7) Food Processing Department, Govt. of West Bengal, (8) Department of Environment & Forests, Govt. of West Bengal, (9) National Biodiversity Board, Govt. of West Bengal. The Society also got financial support for these purposes from University Grants Commission, New Delhi and also many times from the Vice-Chancellor, University of Calcutta. Delegates from national and international institutes and universities participate and exchange their ideas. Many of these seminars are organized in collaboration with different universities and scientific institutions. A few of them are:
- Symposium on “Modern Trends in the Zoological Research” (1976)
- Workshop on “Re-orientation of the Zoology Syllabus (General and Honours) at the graduation level, Phase I, Calcutta University” (1990)
- Symposium on “Zoological Research in Relation to Man and Environment”(1992)
- Symposium on “Perspective in Biodiversity” (1996)
- Symposium on “Biology for Sustainable Development”(1997)
- Symposium on “Assessment and Management of Bio-resources”(2003) in collaboration with Department of Zoology, University of North Bengal. This time the Society organised National Symposium outside, Kolkata with other University in West Bengal where about 250 Scientists, Research Scholars, faculty members from different undergraduate Colleges and universities from West Bengal, Meghalaya, Manipur, Sikkim, Nagaland, Tripura, Bangladesh participated
- Seminar on “Evolutionary Biology and Biotechnology”(2005)
- Diamond Jubilee Celebration “Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Food Safety” jointly organized with Central Food Lab., Govt. of India (2006) and Seminar on “Contemporary Zoology” (2006)
- National Seminar on “Dimensions in Zoological Research in Human Welfare”(2007)
- National Seminar on “Faunal Diversity : Status, Utilization and Impact on Human Health” (2008)
- National Seminar on “Biological Thoughts : Micro to the Macro” (2010)
- Symposium on “Biodiversity : Technology domains and Spatial Scale Analysis” (2011)