Welcome to The Zoological Society Kolkata

The Society is publishing “Proceedings of the Zoological Society” since 1948, which is now recognized as an internationally reputed journal and is widely circulated all over India and abroad. The journal has recently been indexed in Zoological Records, BIOSIS, U.K., Drosophila offprint Collection, Cambridge, U.K. Many National Scientific and Academic Institutions are subscribing to our Journal. With sincere efforts of entire Editorial Board the journal has been updated and quality of printing has been improved to a great extent. Vol.59 (No.2), 2006 of the Proceedings is already published and Vol.60 (No.1), 2007 is in process for printing and we also published full volume of NATIONAL SEMINAR ON DIMENSIONS IN ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN HUMAN WELFARE.

Proceedings of the Zoological Society

ISSN: 0373-5893 (print version)
ISSN: 0974-6919 (electronic version)
Publisher: Springer
Language: English
UGC-CARE List Group: Group D

Zoological Society is one of the oldest society in the Science College. On the initiative of some teachers of the Zoology Department, Calcutta University and some Biology teachers of different affiliated Colleges, a provisional committee was constituted to form a Zoological Society for the Zoologist and lovers of Zoology. For this purpose a meeting was convened by late Prof. S. P. Ray Chaudhuri on December 11, 1945 which was presided over by Prof. T.C. Nandi of Bangabasi College. The Society was named “The Zoological Society of Bengal”, to be located at the Department of Zoology, 35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Calcutta-700 019

THE SOCIETY HAS BEEN PUBLISHING since 1948, which is now recognized as an internationally reputed journal and is widely circulated all over India and abroad. The journal has recently been indexed in Zoological Records, BIOSIS, U.K., Drosophila offprint Collection, Cambridge, U.K. Many National Scientific and Academic Institutions are subscribing to our Journal.

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